Associate Professor,
Dept. of CSE, NIT Warangal,
Telangana- 506004, India

Received best paper award for the paper "Optimized Link Utilization Based Approach for Traffic Engineering in SDWSN”, at IEEE ANTS, December 2019, Goa, India".
Received best paper award for the paper “CoviFL: Edge-Assisted Federated Learning for Remote COVID-19 Detection in an AIoMT Framework”, 27th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2022), Greece, 30th June - 3rd July 2022.
Marisetty, Ashish, Prathistith Raj Medi, Praneeth Nemani, Venkanna Udutalapally, and Debanjan Das. "Integrating multimodal learning for improved vital health parameter estimation." Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol.183, 109104-113, 2024 (IF 7.0)
Guravaiah, Koppala, Niharika Naik Dharavathu, Venkanna Udutalapally, and Leela Velusamy Rangaraj. "MOVE in ROAD: Multi-objective Vehicle Monitoring Using River Formation Dynamics and Deep Learning Algorithms." Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 137, pp 2281-2302, 2024. (IF 1.9)
Suvrima Datt, Aditya Kotha, Venkanna U, and Mallikharjuna Rao K "XNetIoT: An Extreme Quantized Neural Network Architecture For IoT Environment Using P4." IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (2024)
Sagnik Ghosal, Debanjan Das, Venkanna Udutalapally, Srivatsan Sridhar, Syed Maaiz Syed Shabbeer Basha, Preetam Narayan Wasnik, "DeepVitals: Deep neural and IoT based vitals monitoring in smart teleconsultation system", Internet of Things, Elsevier, Feb-2024, (IF- 5.9)
Harsh Pandey, Subhanshu Arya, Debanjan Das, Venkanna Udutalapally, "FoodExpert: Portable Intelligent Device for Rapid Screening of Pulse Quality and Adulteration", IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics, December 2023
Suvrima Datta, Venkanna U. “PiGateway: Real-time granular analysis of smart home network traffic using P4, Computer Communications, November 2023. (IF 6.0)
Anurag Shukla, Kavyansh Chourasia, Gazal Jain, Venkanna U, “DeepInsight: a CNN-based approach for machine reading comprehension in query answering systems and its applications”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023. (IF 3.6)
Sankepally Sainath Reddy · Kosaraju Nishoak, J. L. Shreya, Yennam Vishwambhar Reddy, U. Venkanna1,2, ”A P4-Based Adversarial Attack Mitigation on Machine Learning Models inData Plane Devices” Journal of Network and Systems Management, November 2023, (IF-3.6).
Aditya Kotha, Kota Manohar, Venkanna U., ”IaaSI: a device based interoperability as a service for IoMT devices,” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, August 2023.
Rohit Kumar, Venkanna U., Vivek Tiwari, ”Optimized Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Wireless Network based IoT (SDWN-IoT): State-of-the-Art, Research Opportunities, and Challenges”, Computer Science Review, June 2023, (IF-8.757)
Atonu Ghosh, Sudip Misra, Venkanna Udutalapally, Debanjan Das, ”LoRaute: Routing Messages in Backhaul LoRa Networks for Underserved Regions”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, June 2023, (IF-10.238). DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3281941
Vaibhav Kotiyal, Anshita Gupta, Pallav Kumar Deb, Subhas Chandra Misra, Debanjan Das, Venkanna Udutalapally, “Skipper: A Federated Siamese Network-Based Group Activity Segregator for IoMT Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Jan-2023.
Atonu Ghosh, Sudip Misra, and Venkanna Udutalapally, “Multi-Objective Optimization and Sensor Correlation Framework for IoT Data Validation”, IEEE Sensor Journal, Oct-2022
Aparna Sinha, Debanjan Das , Venkanna U, Saraju P Mohanty “iThing: Designing Next-Generation Things with Battery Health Self-Monitoring Capabilities for Sustainable IIoT”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Oct 2022
Suvrim Datta, Aditya Kotha, K Manohar, U Venkanna, “DNSguard” A Raspberry Pi Based DDoS Mitigation on DNS Server in IoT Networks”, IEEE Networking letter, Oct-2022.
J Prajapati, Venkanna Udutalapally, D Das, R Mahapatra, SC Misra, PN Wasnik “iFlick: Smartphone-based anemia screening in rural healthcare paradigm”, Smart Heath, Elsevier, Sep. 2022
Shaurjya Mandal, Debanjan Das, Venkanna U., ”mSickle: Sickle Cell Identi cation Through Gradient Evaluation and Smartphone Microscopy”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, March 2022 (IF- 7.104)
Choudhary, Meenakshi, Vivek Tiwari, and U. Venkanna. ”Identifying discriminatory feature-vectors for fusion-based iris liveness detection”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2022 1-12. (IF- 7.104)
P. Joshi, D. Das, Venkanna U., M. K. Pradhan, and S. Misra, ”RiceBioS: Identification of Biotic Stress in Rice Crops using Edge-as-a-Service,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Jan. 2022, (IF- 3.301).
Rohit Kumar, Venkanna U., Vivek Tiwari, ” EOMCSR: An Energy Optimized Multi-Constrained Sustainable Routing Model for SDWSN”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Nov. 2021, (IF-4.15).
Sagnik Ghosal, Debanjan Das , Venkanna U., Preetam Narayan Wasnik “iNAP: Intelligent Non-invasive Anemia Polycythemia Detection in the IoMT”, ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, Dec. 2021.
Rohit Kumar, Venkanna U., Vivek Tiwari, ”QuOTE: A Quality of Service aware Optimized Traffic Engineering Approach for Efficient Flow Management in SDWS-IoT Networks”, IEEE Communication Letters, Oct 2021, (IF-3.436).
Ghosal, Sagnik, Abhishek Kumar, Venkanna U., and Debanjan Das. ”gluCam: Smartphone Based Blood Glucose Monitoring and Diabetic Sensing.” IEEE Sensors Journal, Sep.2021, (IF- 3.301).
Rashmi Priya, Ramesh Dharavath, Venkanna U., ”NSGA-2 Optimized Fuzzy Inference System for Crop Plantation Correctness Index Identication”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, April 2021, (IF2.456).
Rohit Kumar, Venkanna U., Vivek Tiwari, ”Opt-ACM: An Optimized load balancing based Admission Control Mechanism for Software Dened Hybrid Wireless based IoT (SDHW-IoT) network”, Computer Networks, Volume 188, 7 April 2021, (IF-4.474).
Sagnik Ghosal, Debanjan Das , Venkanna U., Asoke K. Talukder, and Sudip Misra, ”sHEMO: Smartphone Spectroscopy for Blood Hemoglobin Level Monitoring in Smart Anemia-Care”, IEEE Sensor Journal, December 2020, (IF- 3.301).
Venkanna U. and Saraju P. Mohanty, Vishal Pallagani and Vedant Khandelwal,”sCrop: A Novel Device for Sustainable Automatic Disease Prediction, Crop Selection and Irrigation in Internet-of-Agro-Things for Smart Agriculture”, IEEE sensor Journal, November-2020, (IF- 3.301).
Rohit Kumar, Venkanna U., Vivek Tiwari, Opti-PUM: An Optimal Policy Update Mechanism for Link Failure Prevention in Mobile SDWM-IoT Networks”, IEEE system Journal, August-2020, (IF-3.931).
Sanchita Khare, Rajiv Nayan Choubey, Loveleen Amar, Venkanna U. NeuroVision” Perceived image regeneration using cProGAN”, Neural Computing and Applications, Nov. 2021, (IF 5.606).
Rohit Kumar, Venkanna U., Vivek Tiwari, A Time Granular Analysis of Software Definened Wireless Mesh based IoT (SDWM-IoT) Network Traffic using Supervised Learning, Wireless personal communication, August-2020 (IF-1.671).
Prahlad Kumar, Harnoor Bagga, Bhuneshwar Singh Netam,Venkanna U., ”1SAD-IoT: Security Analysis of DDoS Attacks in IoT Networks” Wireless Personal Communications, August 2021 (IF-1.671).
Meenakshi Choudhary, Vivek Tiwari, and Venkanna U. ”Iris Liveness Detection Using Fusion of DomainSpecific Multiple BSIF and DenseNet Features.” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, July-2020 (IF-11.448).
Meenakshi Choudhary, Vivek Tiwari, and Venkanna U. ”Iris presentation attack detection based on best-k feature selection from YOLO inspired RoI” Neural Computing and Applications, Sep.2020 (IF-5.606).
Meenakshi Choudhary, Vivek Tiwari, U Venkanna, ”CCRNet: a novel data- driven approach to improve cross-domain Iris recognition” Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 1-25, Sep-2020 (IF-2.757).
Meenakshi Choudhary, Vivek Tiwari, Venkanna U., ”Iris anti-spoofing through score-level fusion of handcrafted and data-driven features”, Applied Soft Computing, Jan-2020 (IF: 6.725).
Meenakshi Choudhary, Vivek Tiwari, Venkanna U., ”Enhancing human iris recognition performance in unconstrained environment using ensemble of convolutional and residual deep neural network models”, Soft Computing, Dec 2019,(IF- 3.643).
Meenakshi Choudhary, Vivek Tiwari, Venkanna U., “An Approach for Iris Contact Lens Detection and Classification Using Ensemble of Customized DenseNet and SVM”, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 101 August 2019, pp.1259-1270 (IF- 7.187).
U.Venkanna, Jeh Krishna Agarwal,R.Leela Velusamy, “A Cooperative Routing For MANET Based On Distributed Trust and Energy Management”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 81, Issue 3, pp. 961-979 (IF-1.671 ).
U. Venkanna and R. Leela Velusamy, Logic based cooperative routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Inderscience, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 147-162 (IF-0.95).
U. Venkanna and R. Leela Velusamy, “TEA-CBRP:Distributed Cluster Head election in MANET by using AHP”, peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Vol. 9, Issue 1, pp 159-170 (IF- 3.307).
Amar Sinha, Anmol Agrawal, Sandip Roy, Venkanna U., Debanjan Das, Rajarshi Mahapatra , Sachin Shetty, “AnDet: ML-Based Anomaly Detection of UEs in a Multi-cell B5G Mobile Network for Improved QoS”, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2024) Big Island, Hawaii, February 19-22, 2024.
Suvrima Datta, Venkanna U. “A Traffic Prioritization Framework For Smart Home IoT Networks using Programmable Data Planes”, IEEE GLOBECOM 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4 to 8 December 2023.
Amar Sinha, Venkanna U., Debanjan Das, Rajarshi Mahapatra “SDN-Based Seamless Mobility Management for B5G Services in High-Speed Railways”, IEEE ANTS 2023.
Suvrima Datta, Venkanna U. “Securing Smart Home IoT Network Against DNS Flooding Attack using P4”, IEEE ANTS 2023, India.
Abhinay Bhandekar, Venkanna U., Debanjan Das, “Acoustic Based Chicken Health Monitoring in Smart Poultry Farms”, International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (IEEE – iSES), 18 -20 Dec 2023, India.
Sai Sriram Gonthina, Aditya SVS, Akshar Teja Gannoju, Venkanna U., Debanjan Das, “Drone Vision Based Abiotic Stress Monitoring for Smart Agriculture”, International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (IEEE-iSES), 18 -20 Dec 2023, India.
Dear Hima Soni, Aparna Sinha, Vibha Patel, Debanjan Das, Venkanna U., “Ensemble Learning Approach for Predictive Maintenance in Investment Casting Process”, INDICON-2023, India.
Mayank Narayan, Aditya Kotha, Sainath Reddy, Venkanna U., Seeing the Unseen: Aid for the Visually Impaired Using Monocular Depth Estimation of Objects and Self-Training”, IEEE-OCIT-2023, India.
Jyoti Prajapati, Venkanna U., Debanjan Das, Rajarshi Mahapatra, Preetam Narayan Wasnik “XAIA: An Explainable AI Approach for Classification and Analysis of Blood Anemia”, IEEE-OCIT-2023, India.
Lilima Jain and Venkanna U., “ SwGuard: Mitigating Flow Rule Modification Attack in P4 Switches”, 14th International Conference On Computing, Communication And Networking Technologies(ICCCNT), IITDelhi., July 6th -8th, 2023.
SA Harish, Suvrima Datta, Hemanth Kothapalli, Praveen Tammana, Achmad Basuki, Kotaro Kataoka, Selvakumar Manickam, U Venkanna, Yung-Wey Chong , “Scaling IoT MUD Enforcement using Programmable Data Planes” IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, May 2023.
Lilima Jain and Venkanna U., P4-based Switch Centric Flow table Overflow Detection and Mitigation in Data Plane Devices, RAIT-2023, Dhanbad.
Shruti Raje, Varaprasad Erapu, U Venkanna, Debanjan Das, “eGWQI: Edge Intelligence Based Ground Water Quality Monitoring System for Smart Irrigation”, IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES), Dec-2022.
Karam Bharat Singh, Subhas Chandra Misra, Nidhi Pathak, Venkanna Udutalapally, Felix TS Chan, “Pricing strategies and revenue management for homestay in rural areas, IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES), Dec-2022.
Sainath Reddy Sankepally, Nishoak Kosaraju, Vishwambhar Reddy, Venkanna U., “Edge Intelligence Based Mitigation of False Data Injection Attack In IoMT Framework, OITS International Conference on Information Technology, 14-16 December 2022.
A Bhattacharya, R Rana, S Datta, U Venkanna, “P4-sKnock: A Two Level Host Authentication and Access Control Mechanism in P4 based SDN”, 27th IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), Oct-2022, Korea, pp. 278-283.
S Datta, A Bhattacharya, R Rana, U Venkann, “iDAM: A Distributed MUD Framework for Mitigation of Volumetric Attacks in IoT Networks”, 13th IEEE, International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Portugal, 20-22-July 2022, pp. 326-331.
Aneesh Bhattacharya, Risav Rana, Venkanna Udutalapally, Debanjan Das “CoviFL: Edge-Assisted Federated Learning for Remote COVID-19 Detection in an AIoMT Framework”, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Greece, 30th June - 3rd July 2022, pp. 1-6.
K Shiv Kumar, K Ranjitha, PS Prashanth, Mina Tahmasbi Arashloo, U Venkanna, Praveen Tammana, ”DBVal: Validating P4 Data Plane Runtime Behavior, ACM SOSR 2021.
Buchammagari Avinash Reddy, Ghanta Sai Krishna, Kaniganti Priyanka Saraswathi, Indala Sadhvika, Venkanna Udutalapally, Debanjan Das, ”dScout : Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Automatic Disease Detection and Pesticide Atomizer”, 7th I2CT, 2022.
Soumya Ranjan Patnaik, Kshitiz Singh, Venkanna Udutalapally, Debanjan Das,iCAP: An IoT based Wearable For Real-Time Accidental Fall Detection and Health Monitoring of Remote Maintenance Workers” 7th I2CT,2022.
Pranjal Joshi, Debanjan Das, Venkanna Udutalapally, Subhas C. Misra, ”FarmEdge: A Unified Edge Computing Framework Enabling Digital Agriculture”, IEEE-iSES-2021, NIT Jaipur.
Chathura.N.Jaikishore, Venkanna Udutalapally, Debanjan Das, ”AI Driven Edge Device for Screening Skin Lesion and Its Severity in Peripheral Communities” INDICON 2021.
Ananya Saxena, Ritvik Muttreja, Shivam Upadhyay, K Shiv Kumar and Venkanna U., ”P4Filter: A two level defensive mechanism against attacks in SDN using P4”, IEEE ANTS-2021.
Prathistith Raj Medi, Praneeth Nemani, Vivek Reddy Pitta, Venkanna Udutalapally, Debanjan Das, Saraju P. Mohanty, ”SkinAid: A GAN-based Automatic Skin Lesion Monitoring Method for IoMT Frameworks”, 19th IEEE-OCIT 2021.
Rohit Kumar, Venkanna U., Vivek Tiwari, ”A Binary Classification Approach for Time Granular Traffic in SDWMN based IoT Networks”, IEEE COMSNETS 2020, January 7 - 11, 2020.
Shubham Yadav, Sakthi Ganesh, Debanjan Das, Venkanna U, Rajarshi Mahapatra, Ankur Kumar Shrivastava, Prantar Chakrabarti, Asoke K Talukder,” Su´sruta: Artificial Intelligence and Bayesian Knowledge Network in Health Care – Smartphone Apps for diagnosis and differentiation of anemias with higher accuracy at Resource Constrained Point-of-Care settings”, BDA-2019, December 17 - 20, 2019.
Vishal Pallagani,Vedant Khandelwal, Bharath Chandra, Venkanna U.,Debanjan Das, Saraju P. Mohanty, ”dCrop: A Deep-Learning Based Framework for Accurate Prediction of Diseases of Crops in Smart Agriculture”, iSES-IEEE-2019, December 16 - 18, 2019.
Siddhant Kumar, Gourav Chowdhary, Debanjan Das, Venkanna U., Saraju P. Mohanty”gCrop: Internet-ofLeaf-Things (IoLT) for Monitoring of the Growth of Crops in Smart Agriculture”, iSES-IEEE-2019, December 16 - 18, 2019.
Aanshi Gupta, Shubham Yadav, Shubham Yadav, Venkanna U., ”HeartCare: IoT based heart disease prediction system”, 18th IEEE- ICIT 2019, December 19 - 21, 2019.
Loveleen Amar, Rajiv Nayan Choubey, Sanchita Khare and Venkanna U.,”Internet Traffic Classifier using Artificial Neural Network and 1D-CNN”, 18th IEEE- ICIT 2019, December 19 - 21, 2019.
Rohit Kumar, Vivek Tiwari, and Venkanna U., ”Optimized Link Utilization Based Approach for Tra c Engineering in SDWSN”,IEEE ANTS, December 2019 Best paper award, Goa, India.
Anurag Shukla, Gazal Jain, Kavyansh Chaurasia, and Venkanna U., ”Smart Fruit Warehouse and Control System”, IEEE ICDSE, September 2019, Patna, India.
Shashank Kotyan, Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas, and Venkanna U., ”Self Training Autonomous Driving Agent”, SICE Annual Conference, September-2019, Hiroshima, JAPAN.
Shashank Kotyan, Nishant Kumar, Pankaj Kumar Sahu, and Venkanna U, ”Drishtikon: An advanced navigational aid system for visually impaired people”, CICT-2018, PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, 26-28, Oct-2018.
Shashank Kotyan, Nishant Kumar, Pankaj Kumar Sahu, and Venkanna U, ”HAUAR: Home Automation Using Action Recognition”, CICT-2018, PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, 26-28, Oct-2018.
Himanshu Singh, Vishal Pallagani, Vedant Khandelwal and Venkanna U, ”IoT based Smart Home Automation System using Sensor Node”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT 2018), IIT Dhanbad, 15-17 March-2018.
Venkanna U. Bhaumik katiyar, Sanskar Sharma, Yamaha Prashanth, ” A Wireless Sensor Node Based Efficient Parking Slot Availability Detection System For Smart Cities”, IEEE conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Technology, and Computational Science (RAETCS-2018), 6-8 Feb. 2018.
Ravichander Janapati1, Ch. Balaswamy, K.Soundararajan, and U.Venkanna, “Indoor localization of cooperative WSN using PSO assisted AKF with optimum references”, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication Convergence (ICCC-2016), 24th – 26th January 2016.
U.Venkanna and R.Leela Velusamy,“Reward Based Cooperative Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Network by using Markov Decision Process”, in the IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Science, Chandigarh, March 2014.
U.Venkanna and R.Leela Velusamy,“Mitigating the attacks on Recommendation trust model for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication, and Applications, Bangalore, Karnataka,02-03, Aug. 2013, pp.243–249.
U.Venkanna and R.Leela Velusamy, “Black hole attack and their countermeasure based on trust management in MANET: A Survey”, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, Bangalore, Karnataka,14-15, Sep’2011, pp. 232-236.